Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Couch...nothing? Or Something?

As it sits right now, my daughter is running around with no pants on and watching episode number 342343 of SpongeBob Squarepants. I'm sitting on the couch, typing this up, what's left of my dinner still sitting on the tray next to me. And I'm feeling so sorry for myself that I can't even begin to tell you.

When I got pregnant, I wanted to be Supermom. The mom that breastfed, made her own baby food, did everything with my kid. That lasted...yeah.

I couldn't breastfeed. And making my own baby food? Hah! When I hadn't been able to sleep or eat anything hot myself in how long? My daughter is 2 now, and she watches TV and runs around the house. Part of me wants to say that it's because it's winter right now (okay fine. It's Spring but only just barely!) but deep down I know that's not it. I'm not active. I don't want to get out and do stuff. I never have.

Problem is, I have no idea how to change that. It's not as easy as getting up and just going somewhere, no matter how many books say so. I need the motivation, and I just do not have it.

So the other day, I was browsing the App store for my iPhone, because sometimes I think if I could just find the right app all will be well. And I came across what they call C25K-Couch to 5K. And it's a 9 week program that's supposed to work you up to running straight for 30 minutes or whatever, by starting out with intervals and such. And I'm like, you know what? I can probably do that. Probably being...insanely optimistic. I tried this yesterday-going out and running/walking for thirty minutes. I made it 15. *epic sigh of failure* But that's not going to stop me. I'm going to try again tomorrow. And tomorrow, I swear to do all of it. Or...more than 15 minutes. I'm not moving on a week until I can do day 1. Is that sad? I can't do day one? Considering I haven't run from anything since high school, I am going to say no.

So that's me getting active. But that doesn't solve my 'how to get my daughter active too' problem. I can only go to the park so many times. I'm still working on this. I think I'd feel better even if we didn't leave the house-if I could just sit down and do something with her. Coloring, painting, learning something.

I want to be that mom again. And be better for me.

Hopefully, this starts now.


  1. Is it considered being active if I literally shake my pom poms for you? I have one in my hand right now. swear to god i do.
