Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So today I did the entire Day 1 Week 1 workout with my C25K app. #Winning. I learned a few things, and they are as follows.

Running Uphill sucks. Even if it's not really uphill. Only slightly inclined.
I'm certain that the voice in the program that tells me to run is in fact Satan.
My legs aren't made for running. Neither are my boobs.

I think my neighbors probably thought I was nuts because every time the voice would come over and say "Run" I'd say "No." But the point is, just because I said no, doesn't mean I didn't run. I did. I did the whole damn thing. I walked into the house, and my face was so red and I was panting like I just gave birth, but I was proud.

I celebrated by having ribs for lunch. That's okay, right? just a couple. Ribs are good for you. I'm pretty sure. *looks around, shifty* It's a process.

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